Doula Support - Birth Education, Antenatal Preparation + Hypnobirthing
After working with menstrual cycles and fertility, I recognised that I would like to be able to continue to support you throughout your pregnancy, during birth and beyond. I completed additional training to enable me to do this, and I'm so honoured to be able to offer you my antenatal education services, including hypnobirthing, CalmFamily support for early years and trauma release with the three step rewind technique.
Antenatal preparation, or birth education, is something I pour my heart into: it's not just learning about what different stages of labour mean, or passing a speculum around the room, it is so much more.
I am thrilled to be able to offer this birth education and hypnobirthing on a 1:1 basis which enables you to have a completely bespoke and tailored programme: we can shoot off on tangents and you can feel free to ask any questions that you need to, knowing that you have the benefit of my full attention for the time we are together. I can offer this remotely, though I tend to find face to face is better. Currently I cover Hitchin, Hertfordshire, and nearby towns (Letchworth, Stevenage, Luton, Stotfold) though I can travel further afield if we arrange it. The courser consists of around 10 hours of teaching time, and a whole host of resources, tips and techniques for you to keep.
In this course we cover (but are not limited to)
* Biology of birth - birthy hormones, stages of labour
* Physiology of birth - positions in birth, active birth, movement during labour
* Pain relief options
* Birth Planning
* How to negotiate tricky situations if they arise
* Birth place options
* Birth partners toolkit
* Deep relaxation for pregnancy, birth and postpartum (hypnobirthing)
* Fear release
* Postnatal Planning
* The Fourth Trimester (including sleep and feeding your baby)

I use Natal Hypnotherapy techniques in our course; you may have heard of hypnobirthing already: it's certainly gained popularity in recent years but it can still be quite misunderstood. This is simply a way to help you get into the birth 'zone', turn down the outside noise and stay calm, positive and focussed during the birth of your baby - whatever kind of birth it is.

I also completed my training as a Calm Family consultant in 2020, to give me the skills to support you with baby wearing, understanding your newborn, demystifying baby sleep, give guidance with feeding, or pooping... so I'm here for that too.
It is my honour and privilege to work with you in this incredible stage in your life.
This is SO much more than hypnobirthing: this is a full and thorough antenatal education pulling together my experience, understanding and years of study to create something which fills in all the gaps and all those 'I wish I had known that' moments.
Testimonial for Hypnobirthing with Jo
'Jo talked at length with me and my husband about our wishes and fears. We knew there was high chance I would be induced and it was important to me to feel heard during this process which can be long and feel quite invasive.
Jo opened my eyes to a whole new world of how I really was in charge of my own body even when drs were deciding what to do with it. She informed me about how I could consent to what happened and how we could ask drs for time to decide if intervention was needed. We ended up using these skills when things didn’t go according to plan.
Jo throuroughly explained how hypnobirthing would work and taught me how to be more in control of my body. She was able to teach my husband how to help calm my breathing and to help relax me when I became tense. All of these were absolutely invaluable'
Siobhan, London
The investment for the course is £295.
As well as the set course, I offer bespoke packages for people who may want to combine several of my services For example if you would like a hypnobirthing refresher, some Calm Family support, or some Ad-hoc sessions on birth. Please do get in touch to discuss your needs and we can create something tailored which works for you.